Pancake Spring Onion Flavor SANQUAN 320g
(DK)Hvedemel(53%),Vand,Forkortelse[Bæredygtig Palmeolie,Vand,Emulgator(E471, E472c), Antioxidant(E319)],Sød Kartoffel(10%),Sojaolie,Forårsløg(1%),Salt.
(EN)Wheat Flour(53%),Water,Shortening[Sustainable Palm Oil,Water,Emulsifier(E471, E472c), Antioxidant(E319)],Sweet Potato(10%),Soybean Oil,Spring Onion(1%),Salt
Nettovægt/Net Weight: 320g
Bedst Inden/Best Before: Se pakke/See package
Produkt Af/Product of: Kina/China
Opbevaringstilstand: Opbevares frosset under -18 ℃ eller koldere indtil det bedste før. Må ikke genfryses efter optøning.
Storage Condition: Keep frozen under -18℃ or colder until the best before. Do not refreeze after defrosting.
Importør/Importer: Yokoso A/S
Lyongade 21,2300 København S,DK
Næringsfakta/Nutrition Facts:
Ernæringsfakta pr/Nutrition Facts per |
100g |
Kalorier/Calories |
1461kJ/349Kcal |
Total Fedt/Total Fat |
16.3g |
Heraf Mættede Fedtsyrer/Of Which Saturated Fatty Acids |
7.5g |
Samlet Kulhydrat/Total Carbohydrate |
44.6g |
Heraf Sukker/Of Which Sugar |
0g |
Protein/Protein |
5.9g |
Salt/Salt |
0.91g |
The hand-made pancake is crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. The perfect flour-to-water ratio to create the dough that is elastic and not too soft and has many layers .
1.Heat the pan over medium-low heat without oil.
2.Put in the pancake. When the dough cake is fried on both sides until golden brown, it can be taken out of the pot and placed flat.
3.Finally, put the washed lettuce, ham slices, fried eggs, and cheese into the fried pancakes, brush with your favorite barbecue sauce, and serve.